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Live at Rialto


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About the album


On the 27th of November 2019, Matt and his band took the stage at Montreal's Rialto Theatre for one night of pure musical magic, where he performed songs from 'HIBA' and a string of timeless international hits.

The concert was in collaboration with the Syrian Cultural Center in Montreal.

In this release, you can listen to 9 tracks which are not from 'HIBA'.


  1. La Bohème

  2. Sitting On The Dock of the Bay

  3. Quizás, Quizás, Quizás

  4. Zingarella

  5. Chknagh yeraz

  6. Crazy Little Thing Called Love

  7. The Love Boat

  8. Pauvres diables (Vous les femmes)

  9. Les Deux Guitares

The musicians


Piano - Arden Arapyan 
Drums - Rich Irwin 
Contrebasse / Electric Bass  - Olivier Hébert 
Guitares - Steve Raegele 
Percussions - Kiko Osorio 
Saxophones - Annie Dominique 
Trombone - Christopher Smith 
Trumpet - Dominic Léveillé 
Keyboard - Anthony Cooperwood 
Violin - Anit Ghosh 
Qanun - Nizar Tabcharani 
Riq, Bendir, Cajón - Abboud Chamoun 
Musical Director & Arrangements - Arden Arapyan



Recorded live by studio freq shop, Montréal, Canada

Recording engineers - Derek Orsi

Mixing - Derek Orsi

Mastering - Fadi JiJi


Produced by: Matt Mardini - Fonix Records


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